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Hello Students and Guardians,

First, let me thank you for all of the kindness you have extended towards me. I realize that this has been a transition for both students and guardians alike, but I have felt so welcomed at St. Emily's. Our class has been very busy learning about one another, settling into new routines, utilizing new technology (, beginning new units on biodiversity, instrumental play and volleyball skills and drills.

As a class we have co-constructed our rules, rewards and consquences and have dicussed gym and classroom behaviour. We are working on respecting the learning space of others by doing work at an appropriate volume. We are continuing to strive towards being polite and courteous when speaking to our peers and adults and using our manners.

While the students love technology, some are struggling to use technology to guide their learning rather than as a guide for personal interests. Guardians, please be aware that all devices used in the class are teacher-directed and to be used for academic purposes. While I do not mind if a student listens to music with earbuds for independent seat work, watching music videos and relying on a Chromebook to play songs individually will not be allowed - as more focus is directed towards music selection than the task at hand. Generally, a student is given three warnings. After all three warnings are issued, devices will be put away/collected for the class. Ongoing misuse would mean that your child might not have the same opportunities to use technology as those who are using it appropriately. I love using apps and the internet to engage and further our understanding, so it would be a shame to miss out on developing 21st century learning skills. I appreciate your continued support.

Need some conversation starters for family dinners?

If your child is like mine, sometimes dinner converstations might be a lot of "fine" and not a lot of details. To get converstation rolling, try asking them about their mind map (or better yet, get them to SHOW you how to use the application). Ask your child to summarize the history of the recorder. Still at a loss? Inquire about vertebrates and invertebrates or how classification works in everyday life (in a recipe book, at the grocery store, in a library, etc...). Hope this helps!

I'm looking forward being a part of your child's academic journey and working with you throughout the school year:)

Mrs. C

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