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Come Explore! Science is a wonderful opportunity for us to INQUIRE. Many discoveries are prompted by student led discovery and the use of technology. Chromebooks, Google apps and Hapara are a few of the many sites/applications that help further our investagtion of all things science. The scientific method is a foundation of the course which is implementd through various experiements and interactive activities that will guide us thoughout the year. Some units of focus include: Flight, Biodiversity, Electricity and Space. With subject matter like this, who could resist?!

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Come Groove! Music empowers and unites us all. I know the difficulty in getting our youth to sometimes unplug and participate and that's why this year they will learn to play the Recorder. We will  learn to appreciate music from a variety of time periods and cultures/genres. Be prepared to help encourage your child to earn some Karate belts for their recorder ~ they might not hit every note perfectly, but learning is a process!

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Come Move! While you might have grown accustomed to your young one on the couch watching TV or gaming, I can assure you that, in class, they LOVE to move. Our focus is safe and fair play that hones in on team and skill development. Various net and collaborative games will be explored this year. Following directions, practicing good sportmanship and addresssing physical fitness are also paramount in Ontario's curriculum. I am looking forward to helping your child reach their personal sport/fitness goals!



Come, Let's Go!


Getting outside the classroom and/or having guest speakers are valuable assests to our learning. Field trips, outdoor discovery and assemblies help to establish a sense of community. Additionally, these experiences provide your child with the opportunity to speak and act as moral and responsible youth. Part of your child's education is to learn and practice the Catholic Graduate Expectations. Being effective communicators, responsible citizens and collabortive contributors are just some of the skills that are practiced and learned as we embark on extracurricular learning. Have a special skill or would like to volunteer your services or time? We need you! Please don't be shy:)

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